Prospect Schools Print Management System: Papercut MF Guide
Prospect Schools Print Management System: Papercut MF Guide
Prospect Schools uses Papercut, a fee-based print management system. Each staff member receives a monthly quota pre-loaded by the School Operations & IT Ops departments.
Installation Process
Automatic Installation
- The Papercut Deploy client should automatically install on your device when connected to the internet
- No manual installation via Papercut Server is required
If Papercut is Not Automatically Installed
- Open Prospect Schools - Self-Service application
- Run the Device Check-in Process
- If Papercut Deploy Client still doesn't install, submit a support ticket
Accessing Papercut Deploy
- Locate the Papercut Deploy icon (Green Print icon) in the menu bar on the right side
- Click the icon and select View My Printers
First-Time Setup
After installation, you must complete a one-time authentication using your Prospect Schools Gmail credentials to install the print queues on your device.
Print Queues
IES Print Queue (Toshiba Printer)
- Located nearest to the window in the teacher's workroom
- Can print both color and black/white jobs
- All pages charged at color rate ($0.30 per page)
- ($.60 per 11x17 page)
IES Print Queue Black and White (Konica Printer)
- Located nearest to the door in the teacher's workroom
- Black and white prints only
- Cost: $0.10 per page
Using the Printers
Sending Print Jobs
- Select your desired print queue based on your needs:
- IES Print Queue for color prints or Toshiba preference
- IES Print Black & White Queue for cheaper monochrome prints on the Konica machine
- Your job will be held securely until you release it
At the Printer (MFP)
- Authenticate using either:
- Google Workspace (Email) credentials
- PIN sent to your email from
Available Functions
- Print Release
- View and release your pending print jobs
- Access Device
- Copy Functionality
- Scan
- Scan to email or Google Drive
Account Management
Monthly Balance
- Each user receives $275.00 monthly
- Balances reset monthly - no carryover from previous months
- Print costs:
- Black & White: $0.10 per page
- Color: $0.30 per page
Checking Your Balance
- Log into the Papercut web portal using your credentials
- Monitor your balance and print history
Additional Funds
If you need more funds, contact Yunjeong Seol with your reasoning for the balance increase.
Best Practices
- Always log out when finished
- Tap "Log Out" on the touchscreen or press the logout button
- Monitor your balance regularly
- Choose the appropriate queue to optimize your budget:
- Use Black & White Queue when color isn't necessary
- Save color printing for essential materials
If you experience any issues:
- Verify that the Papercut Deploy client is installed
- Complete device check-in through self-service if needed
- Ensure you've completed the one-time authentication
- Submit a support ticket if problems persist
Remember: Papercut helps manage printing costs and reduce waste. Please be mindful of printing to make the most of your monthly quota.
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