Prospect Schools Print Management System: Papercut MF Guide

Prospect Schools Print Management System: Papercut MF Guide


Prospect Schools uses Papercut, a fee-based print management system. Each staff member receives a monthly quota pre-loaded by the School Operations & IT Ops departments.

Installation Process

Automatic Installation

  • The Papercut Deploy client should automatically install on your device when connected to the internet
  • No manual installation via Papercut Server is required 

If Papercut is Not Automatically Installed

  1. Open Prospect Schools - Self-Service application
  2. Run the Device Check-in Process
  3. If Papercut Deploy Client still doesn't install, submit a support ticket

Accessing Papercut Deploy

  1. Locate the Papercut Deploy icon (Green Print icon) in the menu bar on the right side
  2. Click the icon and select View My Printers

First-Time Setup

After installation, you must complete a one-time authentication using your Prospect Schools Gmail credentials to install the print queues on your device.


Print Queues

IES Print Queue (Toshiba Printer)

  • Located nearest to the window in the teacher's workroom
  • Can print both color and black/white jobs
  • All pages charged at color rate ($0.30 per page)
    • ($.60 per 11x17 page)

IES Print Queue Black and White (Konica Printer)

  • Located nearest to the door in the teacher's workroom
  • Black and white prints only
  • Cost: $0.10 per page

Using the Printers

Sending Print Jobs

  1. Select your desired print queue based on your needs:
    • IES Print Queue for color prints or Toshiba preference
    • IES Print Black & White Queue for cheaper monochrome prints on the Konica machine
  2. Your job will be held securely until you release it

At the Printer (MFP)

  1. Authenticate using either:

Available Functions

  1. Print Release
    • View and release your pending print jobs
  2. Access Device
    • Copy Functionality
  3. Scan
    • Scan to email or Google Drive

Account Management

Monthly Balance

  • Each user receives $275.00 monthly
  • Balances reset monthly - no carryover from previous months
  • Print costs:
    • Black & White: $0.10 per page
    • Color: $0.30 per page

Checking Your Balance

  • Log into the Papercut web portal using your credentials
  • Monitor your balance and print history

Additional Funds

If you need more funds, contact Yunjeong Seol with your reasoning for the balance increase.

Best Practices

  1. Always log out when finished
    • Tap "Log Out" on the touchscreen or press the logout button
  2. Monitor your balance regularly
  3. Choose the appropriate queue to optimize your budget:
    • Use Black & White Queue when color isn't necessary
    • Save color printing for essential materials


If you experience any issues:

  1. Verify that the Papercut Deploy client is installed
  2. Complete device check-in through self-service if needed
  3. Ensure you've completed the one-time authentication
  4. Submit a support ticket if problems persist

Remember: Papercut helps manage printing costs and reduce waste. Please be mindful of printing to make the most of your monthly quota.